.. _guide-combo-flags: Using combo flags ====================== Combo functions accept various flags to manage their behaviour. List of all available combo flags (click to see documentation): .. _combo-flag-options: * :py:data:`COMBO_NONE` = core.COMBO_NONE * :py:data:`COMBO_POPUP_ALIGN_LEFT` Align the popup toward the left by default * :py:data:`COMBO_HEIGHT_SMALL` Max ~4 items visible. Tip: If you want your combo popup to be a specific size you can use SetNextWindowSizeConstraints() prior to calling BeginCombo() * :py:data:`COMBO_HEIGHT_REGULAR` Max ~8 items visible (default) * :py:data:`COMBO_HEIGHT_LARGE` Max ~20 items visible * :py:data:`COMBO_HEIGHT_LARGEST` As many fitting items as possible * :py:data:`COMBO_NO_ARROW_BUTTON` Display on the preview box without the square arrow button * :py:data:`COMBO_NO_PREVIEW` Display only a square arrow button * :py:data:`COMBO_HEIGHT_MASK` Shortcut: "imgui.COMBO_HEIGHT_SMALL | imgui.COMBO_HEIGHT_REGULAR | imgui.COMBO_HEIGHT_LARGE | imgui.COMBO_HEIGHT_LARGEST".